Happy Hybrid Mother’s Day (To ALL Mothers)!

Happy Hybrid Mother’s Day (To ALL Mothers)!

I’m currently in Hawaii with my father Kirk and our purpose here is to locate the Maui contact community.  The other intention is to soak in the abundant energy of the land and the heart chakra of the planet – Haleakala!  We’ve created ourselves to...
Baby Dropping Mommas & The Hybrids Kids!

Baby Dropping Mommas & The Hybrids Kids!

By: Bridget Nielsen Christmas Eve I had a dream, resonant to many I’ve had before~ being a baby-dropping negligent momma!! I “dreamt” that I had just given birth to two children. One was a newborn and the other was a few months old. I freaked out...
Alien Activation & The Return of the Tutor-SHIP

Alien Activation & The Return of the Tutor-SHIP

Broadcasting from the Sedona Hybrid Headquarters… By: Bridget Nielsen, Bashar, Rusty & The Commander Contextual note from Bashar…  “For contact with us, as we have said many times, also involves more contact with yourselves…… Many of...
A Hybrid Story

A Hybrid Story

Hybrid What am I to think about these feelings? What am I to feel about these thoughts? Do I go with my emotion, or do I think everything through? How do I determine to which side I must be true? One of my fathers leads me by the hand as always, but for the first...
Snowflake Kids

Snowflake Kids

Channeled by: Bridget Nielsen for Canadian Hybrid Mother   Mommm!!! We’re so pleased you’re [consciously] aware of us! Wawho! We love you so much and can’t wait for a snow day to play with you on Earth!!!! We are artists of water, snow and ice! Together we make...