Dove, The Winged Hybrid Girl

Dove, The Winged Hybrid Girl

Channeled By Bridget Nielsen for Milou from Belgium Dear Mommy. The idea of me may seem crazy, but I am real and I am yours. I am your full flowing daughter and I love you with all my heart!!!! Thank you for connecting with me. My top passion is communing with winged...
Baby Dropping Mommas & The Hybrids Kids!

Baby Dropping Mommas & The Hybrids Kids!

By: Bridget Nielsen Christmas Eve I had a dream, resonant to many I’ve had before~ being a baby-dropping negligent momma!! I “dreamt” that I had just given birth to two children. One was a newborn and the other was a few months old. I freaked out...
Alien Activation & The Return of the Tutor-SHIP

Alien Activation & The Return of the Tutor-SHIP

Broadcasting from the Sedona Hybrid Headquarters… By: Bridget Nielsen, Bashar, Rusty & The Commander Contextual note from Bashar…  “For contact with us, as we have said many times, also involves more contact with yourselves…… Many of...
A Hybrid Story

A Hybrid Story

Hybrid What am I to think about these feelings? What am I to feel about these thoughts? Do I go with my emotion, or do I think everything through? How do I determine to which side I must be true? One of my fathers leads me by the hand as always, but for the first...
Snowflake Kids

Snowflake Kids

Channeled by: Bridget Nielsen for Canadian Hybrid Mother   Mommm!!! We’re so pleased you’re [consciously] aware of us! Wawho! We love you so much and can’t wait for a snow day to play with you on Earth!!!! We are artists of water, snow and ice! Together we make...