Shakani (Sassani) Welcoming

Shakani (Sassani) Welcoming

By Bridget Nielsen This channeling experience was wonderfully unique. The woman I was connecting with her hybrid kids had another galactic visitor who wanted to meet her.  This Shakani being (formerly “Sassani,” prior to December 21st, 2012) from...
Spark & Flame!

Spark & Flame!

These two hybrids are “twin flames.”  How they experience that common spiritual expression is by exploring life together as best friends! They are counterpart energies and assist each other in being more of themselves. The boy SPARKS inspiration and ideas,...
Solel, My ET Guide

Solel, My ET Guide

By Ondrea Mays I began mediating one evening like I’d been doing over the past few weeks. This time I felt something different that I’d never felt before. I was unable to discern what it was. After a while I could identify it as some kind of presence in...
A Visit from the Celestials!

A Visit from the Celestials!

By Petrusa Bofinka (Czech Republic) In June 2009 I was on holiday in Crete with my son Mirecek, my friend and her daughter. A few days later (June 19, 2009) as I was sleeping, I spontaneously shifted into another dimension. I was in beautiful daylight, yet it was an...
My Reptilian Hybrid Child

My Reptilian Hybrid Child

By Miesha Johnston After many years of negative experiences with Reptilians and Greys, I moved to Las Vegas in 1989. One night everything changed when I had my first encounter with a positive Reptilian.  It came into my bedroom while my husband was out of town. He...