Shakani (Sassani) Welcoming

Shakani (Sassani) Welcoming

By Bridget Nielsen This channeling experience was wonderfully unique. The woman I was connecting with her hybrid kids had another galactic visitor who wanted to meet her.  This Shakani being (formerly “Sassani,” prior to December 21st, 2012) from...
Spark & Flame!

Spark & Flame!

These two hybrids are “twin flames.”  How they experience that common spiritual expression is by exploring life together as best friends! They are counterpart energies and assist each other in being more of themselves. The boy SPARKS inspiration and ideas,...


By Mother Bridget Nielsen Neo was my first child who came to me through heart connection and through this drawing. He was the first one so I felt it would be appropriate to give him a nickname associated with being “The One.” He gave me ideas (through...


Geo is my (Kirk Nielsen’s) hybrid daughter and is about 17 years old. She was the first hybrid child of mine that I met. Bridget was painting her picture one night and I asked who it was she said, “it’s Geo my hybrid daughter.” When I heard her...