Lilly Luna Strikes Back…

Lilly Luna Strikes Back…

By Bridget Nielsen There she is… Lilly Luna, striking and fierce, staring me straight in the face. I was looking at my own reflection in a mirror and she was me and simultaneously she was Miss Luna. She was glowing and sparkling with light, gazing at me wearing...
Phin, The Cetacean Hybrid Ambassador

Phin, The Cetacean Hybrid Ambassador

Message and hybrid child channeled by Bridget Nielsen  “Dad, I want to swim with you and introduce you to my dolphin friends!! I know you know them, but I want to show you their world through my eyes. I’m SO grateful for my life and the frequency you gave...
Felix, Architect of New Egypt

Felix, Architect of New Egypt

Channeled by Bridget Nielsen “I study and create realities by establishing a frequency and then mathematically formulating the images, coding, symbols and language that are available to match it.  My essence matches the “awakened age” of Egypt and...


Cynthia is my (Kirk’s) hybrid daughter. She’s a beautiful little blonde girl, about 8 years old, who’s larger than life. (These pictures are not her, but this little girl looks like her.) She loves yellow birds and yellow flowers. Her name comes from Mount...
Spark & Flame!

Spark & Flame!

These two hybrids are “twin flames.”  How they experience that common spiritual expression is by exploring life together as best friends! They are counterpart energies and assist each other in being more of themselves. The boy SPARKS inspiration and ideas,...